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- /* ASTExpression.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "ASTExpression.h"
- #include "TrashTracker.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "ASTArrayDeclaration.h"
- #include "ASTAssignment.h"
- #include "ASTBinaryOperator.h"
- #include "ASTConditional.h"
- #include "ASTExpressionList.h"
- #include "ASTFuncCall.h"
- #include "ASTLoop.h"
- #include "ASTOperand.h"
- #include "ASTUnaryOperator.h"
- #include "ASTVariableDeclaration.h"
- #include "ASTErrorForm.h"
- #include "ASTWaveGetter.h"
- #include "SymbolTableEntry.h"
- struct ASTExpressionRec
- {
- ExprTypes ElementType;
- DataTypes WhatIsTheExpressionType;
- long LineNumber;
- union
- {
- ASTArrayDeclRec* ArrayDeclaration;
- ASTAssignRec* Assignment;
- ASTBinaryOpRec* BinaryOperator;
- ASTCondRec* Conditional;
- ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList;
- ASTFuncCallRec* FunctionCall;
- ASTLoopRec* Loop;
- ASTOperandRec* Operand;
- ASTUnaryOpRec* UnaryOperator;
- ASTVarDeclRec* VariableDeclaration;
- ASTErrorFormRec* ErrorForm;
- ASTWaveGetterRec* WaveGetter;
- } u;
- };
- /* construct a generic expression around an array declaration */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprArrayDecl(struct ASTArrayDeclRec* TheArrayDeclaration,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheArrayDeclaration);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprArrayDecl");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprArrayDeclaration;
- Expr->u.ArrayDeclaration = TheArrayDeclaration;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around an assignment statement */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprAssignment(struct ASTAssignRec* TheAssignment,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheAssignment);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprAssignment");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprAssignment;
- Expr->u.Assignment = TheAssignment;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a binary operator */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprBinaryOperator(struct ASTBinaryOpRec* TheBinaryOperator,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheBinaryOperator);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprBinaryOperator");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprBinaryOperator;
- Expr->u.BinaryOperator = TheBinaryOperator;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a conditional. */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprConditional(struct ASTCondRec* TheConditional,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheConditional);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprConditional");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprConditional;
- Expr->u.Conditional = TheConditional;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a list of expressions. */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprSequence(struct ASTExprListRec* TheExpressionList,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- if (TheExpressionList != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpressionList);
- }
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprSequence");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprExpressionList;
- Expr->u.ExpressionList = TheExpressionList;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a function call */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprFunctionCall(struct ASTFuncCallRec* TheFunctionCall,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheFunctionCall);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprFunctionCall");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprFunctionCall;
- Expr->u.FunctionCall = TheFunctionCall;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a loop */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprLoop(struct ASTLoopRec* TheLoop,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheLoop);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprLoop");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprLoop;
- Expr->u.Loop = TheLoop;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around an operand */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprOperand(struct ASTOperandRec* TheOperand,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheOperand);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprOperand");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprOperand;
- Expr->u.Operand = TheOperand;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a unary operator */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprUnaryOperator(struct ASTUnaryOpRec* TheUnaryOperator,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheUnaryOperator);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprUnaryOperator");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprUnaryOperator;
- Expr->u.UnaryOperator = TheUnaryOperator;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a variable declaration */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprVariableDeclaration(struct ASTVarDeclRec* TheVariableDecl,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheVariableDecl);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprVariableDeclaration");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprVariableDeclaration;
- Expr->u.VariableDeclaration = TheVariableDecl;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around an error form */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprErrorForm(struct ASTErrorFormRec* TheErrorForm,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheErrorForm);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprErrorForm");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprErrorForm;
- Expr->u.ErrorForm = TheErrorForm;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* construct a generic expression around a wave getter */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprWaveGetter(struct ASTWaveGetterRec* TheWaveGetter,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber)
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* Expr;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheWaveGetter);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Expr = (ASTExpressionRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExpressionRec),TrashTracker);
- if (Expr == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(Expr,"ASTExpressionRec: NewExprWaveGetter");
- Expr->ElementType = eExprWaveGetter;
- Expr->u.WaveGetter = TheWaveGetter;
- Expr->LineNumber = TheLineNumber;
- return Expr;
- }
- /* type check an expression. returns eCompileNoError and the resulting value */
- /* type if it checks correctly. */
- CompileErrors TypeCheckExpression(DataTypes* ResultTypeOut,
- ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression, long* ErrorLineNumber,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker)
- {
- CompileErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- switch (TheExpression->ElementType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckExpression: unknown AST node type"));
- break;
- case eExprArrayDeclaration:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckArrayConstruction(ResultTypeOut,
- TheExpression->u.ArrayDeclaration,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprAssignment:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckAssignment(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.Assignment,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprBinaryOperator:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckBinaryOperator(ResultTypeOut,
- TheExpression->u.BinaryOperator,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprConditional:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckConditional(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.Conditional,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprExpressionList:
- /* this needs to be done specially */
- if (TheExpression->u.ExpressionList == NIL)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = TheExpression->LineNumber;
- ReturnValue = eCompileVoidExpressionIsNotAllowed;
- }
- else
- {
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckExprList(ResultTypeOut,
- TheExpression->u.ExpressionList,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- }
- break;
- case eExprFunctionCall:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckFunctionCall(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.FunctionCall,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprLoop:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckLoop(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.Loop,ErrorLineNumber,
- TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprOperand:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckOperand(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.Operand,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprUnaryOperator:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckUnaryOperator(ResultTypeOut,
- TheExpression->u.UnaryOperator,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprVariableDeclaration:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckVariableDeclaration(ResultTypeOut,
- TheExpression->u.VariableDeclaration,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprErrorForm:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckErrorForm(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.ErrorForm,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- case eExprWaveGetter:
- ReturnValue = TypeCheckWaveGetter(ResultTypeOut,TheExpression->u.WaveGetter,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- break;
- }
- TheExpression->WhatIsTheExpressionType = *ResultTypeOut;
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get a symbol table entry out of an expression. this is used for getting */
- /* function generation stuff. */
- CompileErrors ExpressionGetFunctionCallSymbol(struct SymbolRec** SymbolOut,
- ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression)
- {
- SymbolRec* FunctionThing;
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- if (TheExpression->ElementType != eExprOperand)
- {
- return eCompileFunctionIdentifierRequired;
- }
- if (!IsOperandASymbol(TheExpression->u.Operand))
- {
- return eCompileFunctionIdentifierRequired;
- }
- FunctionThing = GetSymbolFromOperand(TheExpression->u.Operand);
- CheckPtrExistence(FunctionThing);
- if (eSymbolFunction != WhatIsThisSymbol(FunctionThing))
- {
- return eCompileFunctionIdentifierRequired;
- }
- *SymbolOut = FunctionThing;
- return eCompileNoError;
- }
- /* find out if the expression is a valid lvalue */
- MyBoolean IsExpressionValidLValue(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- /* to be a valid lvalue, the expression must be one of */
- /* - variable */
- /* - array subscription operation */
- switch (TheExpression->ElementType)
- {
- default:
- return False;
- case eExprBinaryOperator:
- return (BinaryOperatorWhichOne(TheExpression->u.BinaryOperator)
- == eBinaryArraySubscripting);
- case eExprOperand:
- if (IsOperandASymbol(TheExpression->u.Operand))
- {
- SymbolRec* TheOperandThing;
- TheOperandThing = GetSymbolFromOperand(TheExpression->u.Operand);
- return WhatIsThisSymbol(TheOperandThing) == eSymbolVariable;
- }
- else
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"IsExpressionValidLValue: control reached end"));
- }
- /* find out what kind of expression it is */
- ExprTypes WhatKindOfExpressionIsThis(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- return TheExpression->ElementType;
- }
- /* get the operand from the generic expression */
- struct ASTOperandRec* GetOperandOutOfExpression(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- ERROR(TheExpression->ElementType != eExprOperand,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetOperandOutOfExpression: expression isn't an operand"));
- return TheExpression->u.Operand;
- }
- /* get the binary operator out of the generic expression */
- struct ASTBinaryOpRec* GetBinaryOperatorOutOfExpression(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- ERROR(TheExpression->ElementType != eExprBinaryOperator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "GetBinaryOperatorOutOfExpression: expression isn't an operand"));
- return TheExpression->u.BinaryOperator;
- }
- /* get the type of value that is returned by this expression */
- DataTypes GetExpressionsResultantType(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheExpression);
- return TheExpression->WhatIsTheExpressionType;
- }
- /* generate code for an expression. returns True if successful, or False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean CodeGenExpression(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode,
- long* StackDepthParam, ASTExpressionRec* Expression)
- {
- long StackDepth;
- CheckPtrExistence(FuncCode);
- CheckPtrExistence(Expression);
- StackDepth = *StackDepthParam;
- switch (Expression->ElementType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenExpression: unknown expression type"));
- break;
- case eExprArrayDeclaration:
- if (!CodeGenArrayConstruction(FuncCode,&StackDepth,
- Expression->u.ArrayDeclaration))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprAssignment:
- if (!CodeGenAssignment(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.Assignment))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprBinaryOperator:
- if (!CodeGenBinaryOperator(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.BinaryOperator))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprConditional:
- if (!CodeGenConditional(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.Conditional))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprExpressionList:
- if (!CodeGenExpressionListSequence(FuncCode,&StackDepth,
- Expression->u.ExpressionList))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprFunctionCall:
- if (!CodeGenFunctionCall(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.FunctionCall))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprLoop:
- if (!CodeGenLoop(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.Loop))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprOperand:
- if (!CodeGenOperand(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.Operand))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprUnaryOperator:
- if (!CodeGenUnaryOperator(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.UnaryOperator))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprVariableDeclaration:
- if (!CodeGenVarDecl(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.VariableDeclaration))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprErrorForm:
- if (!CodeGenErrorForm(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.ErrorForm))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- case eExprWaveGetter:
- if (!CodeGenWaveGetter(FuncCode,&StackDepth,Expression->u.WaveGetter))
- {
- return False;
- }
- break;
- }
- (((Expression->ElementType != eExprVariableDeclaration)
- && (Expression->ElementType != eExprArrayDeclaration))
- && (StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 1))
- ||
- (((Expression->ElementType == eExprVariableDeclaration)
- || (Expression->ElementType == eExprArrayDeclaration))
- && (StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 2)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenExpression: stack depth error"));
- *StackDepthParam = StackDepth;
- return True;
- }